WordPress Hacked 2022

Common WordPress Hacked 2022

Concerned about the security of your WordPress website?

Has your website already been hacked?

This horror scenario is frightening, especially for service providers and companies. So what can you do when the worst-case scenario occurs? We at Voll Webdesign support you with our services to restore your website and possibly save all data. So read on now if you want to find out how we can help you create a WordPress backup that you can use to get your website up and running again after just a short time.

WordPress hacked 2022?

You can use this trick to save your website
As soon as your website has been hacked, the frustration is great. The worst horror scenarios are buzzing around in your head. “What if I can’t save my side anymore? What if my data is lost? What if I have to start my business all over again?”

Do not worry! Such a horror scenario only comes true in the rarest of cases. As a rule, a website can be restored again and again with the right method. Therefore, keep your calm and do not fall into a state of panic. Because now we would like to tell you how we can help you if your website has been hacked.

Create new access data in phpMyAdmin

In most cases, hackers only focus on a part of your site. This has the advantage for you that you can access phpMyAdmin and thus your database at any time. If this is not the case, you still can contact your hoster. They will then get in touch with you and a strategy to get your website back up and running. However, in this case, we assume that the hacker only damaged a part of your website. So now let’s take a look at the process by which you will manage to restore your website. In such a case, we will help you to restore your data within a short time and banish the hacker from your system. If you are interested, please contact us and we will tell you exactly how we proceed in such a case.

If you would like to get a brief insight into our approach, we will tell you at this point our tried and tested method of dealing with hacked sites. First, we log in to PHPMyAdmin with your access data. In the next step, we select the database that was affected by hacker attacks. We will then create a manual backup for you there.

In the next step, we will help you to create new access data. As a result, the hacker is banned from your system and cannot cause any further damage. We will send you a new password to the previously created email address, which the hacker does not have access to. This makes it impossible for a hacker to gain access to the website because he no longer has the necessary password.

You should now be in full control of your website again and able to clean up the damage the hacker caused. We would also like to support you in restoring lost data records and therefore offer you our services in this context as well.

WordPress Backup: Be sure to back up your data

If you want to protect yourself from hacker attacks in the future, we recommend that you rely on a secure backup system and take measures to stay free from damage in the future. Otherwise, you will continue to spend time having to rebuild your page again and again.

In addition, you must perform regular backups in case a hacker deletes certain data on your website. That would be fatal and would at the same time lead to considerable economic damage, which you certainly want to avoid.

In this context, make sure that you always keep your plugins up to date. Many website operators often neglect this, which makes it easier for hackers to gain access to the website.

However, plugins are not enough to protect against attacks in some cases. We, therefore, advise you to use a backup service. This means professional service providers who regularly create backups for your site. Such a service is very cheap and only costs a few euros per month. So don’t save at the wrong end and opt for a backup service that creates a backup of your site every day. This has a particular advantage that you can restore your site immediately if a hacker has managed to damage it. In this context, you can contact us


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